Masterclasses / Dosbarthiadau Meistr

Masterclasses /
Dosbarthiadau Meistr

Masterclasses with / Dosbarthiadau Meistr gyda Meinyr Heluyn

Creating a beautiful Sound on the Harp

In her public masterclass, Meinir will work with students at Grades 1 - 4. Bring your favourite piece along and receive tips focusing on creating a beautiful sound on the harp!

Sut i greu sain crwn a chynnes ar y delyn.

Yn ystod y dosbarth cyhoeddus, bydd Meinir yn gweithio gyda myfyrwyr Gradd 1 - 4. Dewch â'ch hoff ddarn i chwarae, a derbyn cyngor yn focysu ar sut i greu sain crwn a chynnes ar y delyn!

Masterclass for Advanced Harpists (Grade 5 - 8 )

Dosbarth Meistr i Delynorion Safon Uwch (Gradd 5 - 8 )

There are only a limited number of places available, so please sign up as soon as possible to secure your place!

* Everyone is welcome to watch although there is an extra charge for taking part as a masterclass participant.

* Mae croeso i bawb wylio yn y dosbarth meistr er bod cost ychwanegol am cymrud rhan fel pefformiwr.

November 16th-17th / Tachwedd 16eg -17eg